Phase I, II Environmental Assessment

Penn E&R is committed to helping clients find the most efficient way to manage environmental and due diligence obligations while still protecting their best interests at all times. Penn E&R has completed hundreds of Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for a wide array of clients, including developers, banks, law firms, the electrical and gas utility sector, and government agencies.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

Penn E&R’s professional staff is thoroughly familiar with the current technical and regulatory guidance developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for conducting Phase I ESAs and the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s “All Appropriate Inquiry” rule. The primary objective of a Phase I ESA is to identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs) associated with a subject property. Penn E&R’s Phase I ESA reports present the results of the assessment tasks completed and define the nature and extent of any RECs encountered.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

If RECs are identified, or if further investigation is warranted, Penn E&R is able to implement Phase II ESAs. The scope of work for a Phase II ESA varies, depending on the number and complexity of the RECs or conditions warranting further investigation, to achieve the objective as defined by Penn E&R and the client. Phase II ESAs can include, but are not limited to, subsurface investigations (soil, ground water, vapor intrusion, geophysical) storage tank investigations, mold inspections and asbestos and lead based paint surveys. The goal in implementing a Phase II ESA is to swiftly provide the client with the findings of the investigation so that informed business and financial decisions can be made.

Property Condition Assessments

Penn E&R’s services also include property condition assessment (PCA) to provide additional due diligence for acquisition management and deposition planning. A PCA, performed by way of document reviews and a walk-through survey, provides a purchaser an objective, professional opinion on the general condition of the subject property through identification of areas of deferred maintenance and estimates costs required to maintain the current usage of the subject property.
