NJ Assessment-Remediation Services

In order to establish an obligation for responsible parties to remediate contaminated sites in New Jersey, the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) was passed which established a category of remediation professionals known as License Site Remediation professionals (LSRP). Under SRRA, responsible parties are required to investigate and remediate contaminated sites under the oversight and direction of the LSRP. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) monitors the process through the establishment of regulatory and mandatory timeframes and review of milestone form and report submissions as established by New Jersey environmental statutes.

Penn E&R has LSRPs on staff who are experienced in all phases of environmental investigation and remediation in New Jersey. Through open communication, adherence to New Jersey environmental statues, and firm understanding of NJDEP-developed guidance documents, Penn E&R’s LSRPs provides responsible parties with effective, value-driven environmental solutions. Areas of technical expertise include, but not limited to:

  • Preliminary assessments and environmental due diligence (Phase I and II ESAs)
  • Remedial investigation design and execution
  • Sensitive receptor evaluation
  • Surface water, sediment, soil, ground water, air, and vapor sampling
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
  • Ecological evaluation and ecological risk assessment
  • Ground water contaminant fate and transport modeling
  • Feasibility studies and pilot testing
  • Design, implementation and operation and maintenance of remediation systems/approaches, including:
    • Liquid and vapor phase extraction
    • In situ bioremediation and oxidation
    • Capping
    • Ground water monitored natural attenuation
    • Vapor mitigation
    • Ground water plume containment
    • Soil and sediment excavation

