Geology & Hydrogeology

Penn E&R’s technical staff provides expert geologic and hydrogeological services to yield critical information regarding subsurface conditions whether you are looking to permit a mine, develop a water supply or investigate the extent/migration of subsurface contaminants. Our team has completed hundreds of geologic and hydrogeologic assessments and has demonstrated the ability to formulate and implement technically sound, cost-effective solutions that satisfy regulatory requirements.

For example, our geologists have quantified site soil and rock mechanics for various types of proposed development; supported resource evaluation, mining development and permitting; characterized subsurface karst terrains and supported the necessary engineering and site work to address instability; and have managed complex geophysical and drilling programs.

Our hydrogeologists have a comprehensive understanding of watershed assessment, ground water dynamics, including expertise in ground water flow in saturated and unsaturated zones, the evaluation of flow-system boundary conditions, contaminant transport, computer modeling and water quality testing. We have performed aquifer tests in all types of ground water systems to do the following:

  • Estimate aquifer coefficients
  • Characterize hydraulic connection between aquifer systems and surface waters
  • Identify capture zones
  • Conduct contaminant transport analyses
  • Optimize ground water capture to control contaminant plumes while minimizing pumping and treatment costs
  • Conduct contaminant fate and transport modeling
  • Establish water budgets to assure sustainable yields
  • Quantify water quality including assessment of emerging contaminants such as PFAS, PFOS and PFBS
  • Design, build and operate ground water treatment systems; or potable water systems
  • Expand existing ground water and surface water withdrawals

The geologic environments in which we have completed watershed assessment and aquifer tests include karst, coastal plain and glacial unconsolidated overburden, and fractured bedrock. These studies have been conducted to fulfill a variety of objectives: to estimate aquifer parameters, characterize hydraulic connection between aquifer systems/surface water resources, conduct tracer analyses, design water withdrawal and recovery systems, and evaluate injection/production well hydraulics. We have completed aquifer tests and obtained water withdrawal permits in the Allegheny River Basin (other parts of the Ohio River Basin), the Susquehanna River Basin and the Delaware River Basin.
