Comprehensive Ecological Services

Penn E&R is committed to providing ecological services to influence responsible land-use decisions for land development and utility construction and maintenance. Our experienced scientists perform environmental risk assessments to gauge the likelihood of adverse ecological effects on native plants and threatened/endangered species including Bog Turtles. Our services include:

  • Wetlands Delineations
  • Phase 1 and Phase 2 Bog Turtle Surveys
  • Bog Turtle Construction Monitoring and Avoidance Plans
  • Threatened/Endangered Species Studies
  • Stream Restoration and Relocation studies
  • Invasive Species Survey
  • Avian Nest and Activity Survey
  • Native Habitat Restoration
  • Performance Inspection, Monitoring and Reporting
  • PADEP Environmental Assessment

Our services are often conducted to obtain various types of permits, including:

  • Waterway Obstruction and Encroachment Permitting and waiver requests
  • USACE Individual and Joint permits

