Emergency Response and Remediation
Antimicrobial-Fogging Unit Sterilization

Penn E&R implemented an emergency response and subsequent site remediation after over a ton of concentrated blue dye leaked from a shipping truck at a transportation terminal in central Pennsylvania.  The dye was unknowingly tracked across the site, impacting a large parking area, entered a nearby storm drain and discharged to a downgradient nature preserve.


  • Emergency response procedures to contain the release
  • Comprehensive assessment of gravel and water
  • Proper characterization sampling
  • Remedial actions in accordance with Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) protocols
  • 2,500+ feet of concrete storm sewer jetted
  • Approximately 114,000 gallons of blue-tinted water recovered from lake and parking lot and neutralized
  • Approximately 84 tons of blue-colored gravel excavated from impacted areas
  • Excavated areas backfilled with clean stone
  • Impacted gravel and water properly discarded at licensed facilities
  • Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan developed for site in accordance with PADEP guidelines to prevent and/or control a potential future release of materials to surface water