Penn E&R performed over 65 linear miles of wetland and water resource delineations for electric transmission line projects throughout eastern Pennsylvania. The projects were in support of reliability upgrades to infrastructure in existing right of ways and substations. Penn E&R also identified and delineated wetlands and streams to strategically determine routes of avoidance and to minimize encroachments and the need for permit authorizations.
Penn E&R’s staff of Professional Wetland Scientists led the field delineations and prepared and submitted delineation reports and permit applications to regulatory agencies. Procedures followed those detailed in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and subsequent regional supplements for the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont and Northcentral and Northeast Regions.
Penn E&R also performed botanical surveys to evaluate potential impacts to threatened and endangered plant species of concern.
In addition, Penn E&R hired and supervised subcontractors performing over 110 linear miles of wetland delineations for similar work including phase projects.
- Wetland delineation
- Preparation of delineation reports
- Botanical surveys to evaluate potential impacts to threatened and endangered species
- Hiring and oversight of subcontractors