Former Stainless Steel Manufacturing Site In-Situ Remediation
Antimicrobial-Fogging Unit Sterilization

Penn E&R completed the remediation of two land parcels in southeastern Pennsylvania where former manufacturing operations left site ground water contaminated with volatile organic compounds trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethene.  Penn E&R completed a comprehensive soil and ground water characterization and site remediation via Two Phase Vapor Extraction (TPVE) and in-situ remediation, which included a combination of chemical oxidation and advanced bioremediation methods.  Work was performed under dual oversight via the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Act 2 Program and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region III.  The property has since been redeveloped for commercial use.


  • Completion of subsurface characterization to investigate site soils and ground water
  • Implementation of ground water monitoring program
  • Completion of TPVE pilot test, followed by active TPVE remediation for one year using one of Penn E&R’s six mobile trailer-mounted TPVE units
  • Used combination of chemical oxidation along perimeter of ground water plume, where immediate contaminant reductions were required, and nutrient-enhanced bioremediation in the interior of the plume, where contaminant reduction could proceed at a slower rate
  • Conducted receptor survey and exposure analysis of current and future pathways
  • Performed ground water modeling to complete fate and transport analysis